Contact Us

You can:
– Visit our office at 2279 Cranbrook St N, Cranbrook BC
– Give us a call at (250) 919-8959
– Send us an email at [email protected]


KCC supports several non profit organizations within the Kootenay area with expert advice and technical support.

Being Green

As a modern company, KCC is aware of their carbon footprint on the environment. Our goal is to keep it as small as possible.

So what's happening?

Kootenay ComputerĀ is a developing business so we are changing on a daily basis. Find us on Facebook to stay informed.

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Kootenay Computer Social

3 months ago

Kootenay Computer

Wow!Last week was a busy but exciting week here at 930IT. We made our first of many to be donations to Mission Thrift, Cranbrook!

Come check out some of these great picks before they are gone. They include a desktop, monitor, mouse, and keyboard.

930IT is the embodiment of the computer donation program founded by Kootenay Computer, and supported by the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce and The Salvation Army - Cranbrook

#missionthriftstore #salvationarmy #cranbrookchamber #930it
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5 months ago

Kootenay Computer
Thank you to Ellas for putting the GRAND into 930ITs GRAND OPENING!

Thank you to Ella's039;s for putting the GRAND into 930IT's GRAND OPENING! ... See MoreSee Less

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Sooooo yummy! This is making me hungry!

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